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Thursday, March 14, 2013


All of the people on the island are from england.Our religion is bapitist.We speak english wi

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Street Art

This repersents my utopia because it is like a diamond in the ruff.Basicly thats what our utopia is.Also we are very smart thats what the rubics cube stands for.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

We have individuality and everybody are there own person.We are differrent in our own way but share a common belief.We wear some of the same clothing,but thats about the only thing the same.We share the same common belief.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Daily Life and Economy

         Daily  Life and Economy    

 Each morning we wake up and go to the main dinning area and eat breakfast. After that we eat we go to church for an hour.Then we take an hour brake after church to do just about any thing.Then we go to work.After about seven hours of work we end the day with fun and games for children.And for the adults they surf, ride atv's,mountain climbing,and hand gliding.We make our money by harvesting the rare barbooza and selling it to the world.It will cure any disease and if mashed up will heal any wound.We get our supplies through cargo ships and planes.